qualityAssurance.checks package

New checks can be written in one of the sub modules of this package. Writing new checks in existing modules they will automatically be picked up by the script. When adding a new sub module it is important the contents of the sub module into this one.

from .animation import *

All checks are sorted in order of occurrence in the source code. This can be used to make sure certain checks are after others.


Get all checks available in this module.

Returns:All available error checks
Return type:list

Get a list of all the categories used.

Returns:Category list
Return type:list

Get all check based on a collections. The collections are stored in the collection module, or custom collections made by the user are saved to disk.

Parameters:collection (str) –
Returns:Ordered dictionary of checks
Return type:OrderedDict

Get all of the checks and split them based on category as defined in the classes themselves.

Returns:All error checks split by category
Return type:dict