Don't cut your fingers. Parasol Island is proud to introduce its latest blade for the resharpened Audi A5 series. Ready to see the desert coming to life as the Audi models cut through? Watch the film!

Management Tool

The management tool saved all the artists working on this project a lot of time. It was used for easy referencing of the models, rigs and lighting set-ups with automatically generated thumbnails for the different HDR maps. It was also used to inverse camera/object tracking and setting up texture references using the original shot footage with the click of a button.

Ground Cutting Rig

The rig is very flexible so it could be used for most of the shots, the rig is very easy to setup and animate. The entire setup was controlled by a curve so it could be positioned in any shape the artist wanted. It was also possible to adjust the angle of which the ground would curve up and the amount of different ground layers and there offset distances.