skinning.utils.undo module

class skinning.utils.undo.UndoChunk

Bases: object

When using QT to trigger commands, it is a known bug that the undo is split into individual cmds commands. Wrapping the command in this context will enforce that the entire action is undoable with one click.

class skinning.utils.undo.UndoDisable(flush=True)

Bases: object

This context can be used to disable the undo queue. Before this happens the state is stored and reset once the context is exited.


Wrap the function call in a undo chuck. When using QT all things executed will be separated. This undo chunk decorator will allow for these to be chunked as one again.


Wrap the function call in a disabling of the undo queue. The flush state can be provided in the decorator.

Parameters:flush (bool) –