reorder_attributes.utils module

class reorder_attributes.utils.UndoChunkContext

Bases: object

The undo context is used to combine a chain of commands into one undo. Can be used in combination with the “with” statement.

with UndoChunkContext():
# code
class reorder_attributes.utils.UndoStateContext

Bases: object

The undo state is used to force undo commands to be registered when this tool is being used. Once the “with” statement is being exited, the default settings are restored.

with UndoStateContext():
# code
Returns:Maya’s main channel box
Return type:QtWidget.QWidget
Returns:Maya’s main channel box menu
Return type:QtWidgets.QMenu
Raises:RuntimeError – When menu cannot be found.

Query the current selection with the Maya API and return the last item on the selection list. The reason the API has to be used is that there is a delay with cmds, not returning the right node. This function gets called as a result of a OpenMaya.MModelMessage.kActiveListModified callback.

Returns:Full path of latest selected object.
Return type:str/None
Returns:Maya main window
Raises:RuntimeError – When the main window cannot be obtained.
reorder_attributes.utils.maya_to_qt(name, type_=<sphinx.ext.autodoc._MockObject object>)
  • name (str) – Maya path of an ui object
  • type (cls) –

QWidget of parsed Maya path

Return type:



RuntimeError – When no handle could be obtained

Parameters:widget (QWidget) – QWidget of a maya ui object
Returns:Maya path of parsed QWidget
Return type:str