qualityAssurance.ui.widgets module

class qualityAssurance.ui.widgets.CategoryWidget(parent, category)

Bases: PySide.QtGui.QWidget

staticMetaObject = <PySide.QtCore.QMetaObject object>

Toggle the visibilty of the widget and changing the icon of the of the collapse widget.

class qualityAssurance.ui.widgets.CheckWidget(parent, check, number)

Bases: PySide.QtGui.QWidget


Run the find. The selection state is taken into account at this state. Once the find is ran, the refresh function will be called to update the ui.


Run the fix. Once the fix is ran, the refresh function will be called to update the ui.


Refresh the widget based on the current status of the check. Urgency indicators will be set, status text changed, selectable and fix button enabled or disabled.

staticMetaObject = <PySide.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
class qualityAssurance.ui.widgets.CollectionsWidget(parent, collection)

Bases: PySide.QtGui.QWidget

currentIndexChanged = <PySide.QtCore.Signal object>
staticMetaObject = <PySide.QtCore.QMetaObject object>

Trigger currentIndexChanged signal.

class qualityAssurance.ui.widgets.DropDownWidget(parent, category)

Bases: PySide.QtGui.QWidget


Set icon based on the state. The icon variables are stored in the COLLAPSE_ICONS variable.

Parameters:state (bool) –
staticMetaObject = <PySide.QtCore.QMetaObject object>
switchVisiblity = <PySide.QtCore.Signal object>
class qualityAssurance.ui.widgets.QualityAssuranceWidget(parent, collection='Default')

Bases: PySide.QtGui.QWidget


Remove all of the widgets from the layout apart from the last item which is a spacer item.


Loop over all widgets and see if the check button is enabled. If this is the case the check function can be ran.


Loop over all widgets and see if the fix button is enabled. If this is the case the fix function can be ran.


Clear the entire UI and populate it with the checks that are part of the collection parsed in as an argument.

Parameters:collection (str) –
staticMetaObject = <PySide.QtCore.QMetaObject object>